I breed premium pet-quality rats with puppy dog temperaments, tested to be free of pathogens harmful to humans.

Located in Port Angeles, WA

Why Rats?

Chances are, you know a bit about rats as pets if you’re here. But maybe you’d like to know more, or maybe you’d like to share info with someone else!

Read up on rats as pets.


I work with stock derived from a line that is over 20 years old and specifically bred to be the sweetest, dopiest, cuddliest, most special pets you could hope to find. Health is a major priority!

I’m not out to make pretty colors or fancy coats*. Instead, I want to give you pets that you will cherish and remember forever. If you’ve held rats before, you’ll know just how special one of these babies is the second you pick one up. They’re amazing!

*Though the line features some really nice colors!